Name: Srivastava Olga
Position: Lotus Vip agency Director
Phone: +38 050 3136360 Company project:Lotus VIP home service
Project description What is your first impression / evaluation of the content management system?
The good / light in the management
How fast you're signed to date, whether educational materials (video / manual)
Quickly learn from the experts say.
As you will appreciate the simplicity of the system (1 .. 10)
How often do you have to change / update information on the site?
Several times a year, a large volume
Were the changes (additions functionality / design) after passing the project, what was the reaction of developers to them?
Additions and changes are taking place at this time (May 2008). Always ready to advise and refining the site.
What impression about the site from your clients?
Customers and friends are worthy of the quality and design of the site.Expressed a positive assessment.